Fort Pickering
Historic Preservation
KZLA has completed two phases of site restoration and improvements at Fort Pickering, a 17th-century fort located on Winter Island in Salem, MA. During Phase 1 KZLA developed an action plan and acquired the needed permits. Under the plan, a significant amount of clearing of invasive plants including phragmites along the wet ditches was undertaken. During this phase an assessment of bird species and nesting sites was conducted to better understand the site’s habitat value, fort magazine gates were installed for security, and masonry repair plans were drafted. A laser topographic survey was conducted to investigate the interior of the fort structures.
Phase 2 included continued invasive plant removal and masonry repairs to the fort. The interior of the fort was strengthened using cintec anchors. The fort entrances were repaired and one of the rifle gallery walls was repaired.
Future phases will include interpretive signage and continued masonry improvements and invasive species removal.
City of Salem
Salem, MA
12 Acres
2015 to 2017