George w. childs park
Landscape Rehabilitation
KZLA was the principal-in-charge and project manager for the rehabilitation of George W. Childs Park at Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area. Childs Park is a hemlock ravine centered on Dingman’s Creek.
To define the design-bid project, a materials and character sketchbook for site improvements was developed (i.e. boardwalks, railings, fencing, signage and site furnishings). The sketchbook documented Civilian Conservation Corps era craftsmanship and details that the contractor used to rehabilitate landscape features.
Ecological restoration plans addressed hemlock treatment for woolly adelgid, revegetation of areas trampled by visitation, restoration of native vegetation in closed parking areas, re-use of felled trees for use as erosion control, exclusion fencing and are-introduction of native vegetation.
National Park Service
Dingham's Ferry, PA
155 acres
2010 to 2013