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Battle road trails

Trail Rehabilitation

Battle Road Trail follows the route of the first battle of the American Revolution on April 19, 1775 as the retreat from North Bridge in Concord and fighting continued into Lincoln and Lexington. The trail is extremely popular with visitation exceeding 1 million people. This heavy use and deferred maintenance has impacted the condition of the trail and it is now overdue for rehabilitation.

KZLA staff was part of the team who originally designed the trail from 1995 to 1998 and have been asked to lead the rehabilitation design twenty years later. KZLA is considering the original design, historic context, archaeological resource protection, current visitor needs, and the ecological impacts. One new segment of trail has been designed along the historic alignment on a parcel of land that was not available for development in the 1990s.  

National Park Service


Minute Man National

Historical Park

Concord, Lincoln, &

Lexington, MA

4.5 Miles

2017 to 2018

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