Gettysburg national battlefield
Comprehensive Trail Master Plan
KZLA developed a new master plan for the trail system at Gettysburg National Military Park and Eisenhower National Historic Landmark. The master plan included inventory of the existing trails, developing a framework for new trails to supplement the existing, management of social trails, identification of user types for each trail segment, coordination with existing transit options and recommendations for new transit options. The site has high archaeological sensitivity and recommendations must avoid ground disturbance.
This first phase of the design process studies over 65 miles of existing trails and commemorative park avenues. Whereas the current park experience relies on automobiles and tour buses to see the battlefield, the master plan establishes a series of alternatives which include a range of implementation strategies and options for interpretation through both park landscapes.
The planning focuses on connecting key locations within the battlefield for pedestrians, bicyclists and equestrians. Both sites will have trail networks designed for each user group that tell the story of the three days battle providing new alignments—especially for hikers and bikers—and opening up portions of both parks that were previously inaccessible.
National Park Service,
Denver Service Center (DSC)
Gettysburg, PA
6,700 acres
2014 to 2015