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DCR parkways

Street Tree Inventory

For the Department of Conservation and Recreation, in coordination with Bartlett Tree Experts, KZLA is developing a street tree inventory and management plan for eleven parkways in the Boston Metropolitan area. These parkways are quite varied, some of which are formal, designed landscapes while others are naturalistic landscapes carved out of woodland. The inventory strategy considered the variability of the tree types and designated how these different landscapes would be documented. Individual specimen trees have a certified arborist review the tree recorded with a unique identification number and GIS data. In the woodlands only, a Level 1 risk assessment was performed that identified trees with elevated risk.

This data is being analyzed to assess the DCR parkway tree assets as a whole, but also on a parkway basis. This will lead to recommendations for tree care, management of the existing urban forest, canopy coverage goals, ecological benefit goals, tree species to plant, tree planting locations and aftercare associated with each parkway. Cost estimates and phasing strategies will be developed.


Department of Conservation & Recreation, Bureau of Planning, Design and Resource Protection 

Metropolitan Boston, MA

45 acre

2015 to Present

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